M.H. Shih*, Y. S. Yang, S. R. Zheng, C. H. Hsieh and B. J. Chen, 2013, Synthesis and spectral
characterization of nickel(II) complexes derived from schiff-base thiosemicarbazones and mixed
ligand triphenylphosphine, Excellent Award of Poster Competition, Scope A: Nanomaterials and
Nanostructure, 2013 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, PA-4.
Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No.: JIB-14-0242, 2014, February.
Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No.: JIB-14-0505, 2014, May.
Referee of Molecules, Ms. ID.: Molecules-69483, 2014, November.
Referee of Molecules, Ms. ID.: Molecules-76156, 2015, January.
- Referee of Journal of Molecular Structure, Ms. Ref. No.: MOLSTRUC-D-15-00327, 2015, April.
- Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No.: JIB-15-0454, 2015, May.
- Referee of British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Ms. Ref. No.: BJPR-18983, 2015, May.
- Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No.: JIB-15-0755, 2015, August.
- Referee of Molecules, Ms. ID.: Molecules-100610, 2015, September.
- Referee of Molecules, Ms. ID.: Molecules-100610-Revised Version Review Request, 2015, October.
- Referee of Journal of Biochemistry International, Ms. Ref. No.: JOBI-2731, 2015, October.
- Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No.: JIB-15-0755R1, 2015, November.
- Referee of Journal of Molecular Structure, Ms. Ref. No.: RF2015-5908, 2015, November.
- Referee of Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Ms. Ref. No. BMCL-D-15-02018, 2015, December.
- Referee of Journal of Molecular Structure, Ms. Ref. No.: RF2015-5908R1, 2016, February.
- Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No.: JIB-16-0217, 2016, March.
- Referee of Journal of Molecular Structure, Ms. Ref. No.: RF2015-5908R2, 2016, June.
- Referee of American Chemical Science Journal, Ms. No.: Ms_ACSJ_29213, 2016, September.
- Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No: JINORGBIOB 2017-46, 2017, February.
- Referee of Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, Ms. Ref. No.: AJOCS_32244, 2017, February.
- Referee of Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Ms. Ref. No. BMCL-D-17-00416, 2017, March.
- Referee of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Ms. Ref. No: JINORGBIOB 2017-205, 2017, May.
- Referee of Current Organic Synthesis, Ms. Ref. No: BSP-COS-2017-621, 2018, January.
- Referee of Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, Ms. Ref. No: Ms_JAMMR_39937, 2018, February.
- Referee of Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, Ms. Ref. No: BMS-LDDD-2018-86, 2018, April.
施美秀*, 蔡政華,鄧凱騰,石政坪,白植任,王碩羚,2004,隊名:打不死的小強,第三屆化工E車創意競賽論文集,pp. 80-83。(帶領學生參加化工年會舉辦的第三屆化工E車創意競賽全國總決賽,榮獲總決賽海報競賽第三名)
施美秀*, 蔡政華,鄧凱騰,石政坪,白植任,王碩羚,2004,隊名:打不死的小強,第三屆化工E車創意競賽論文集,pp. 80-83。(帶領學生參加化工年會舉辦的第三屆化工E車創意競賽全國總決賽,榮獲總決賽性能競賽第三名)
施美秀*, 蔡政華,鄧凱騰,石政坪,白植任,王碩羚,2004,隊名:打不死的小強,第三屆化工E車創意競賽論文集,pp. 80-83。(帶領學生參加化工年會舉辦的第三屆化工E車創意競賽全國總決賽,榮獲全國總決賽總成績第二名)
施美秀,蔡政華,鄧凱騰,石政坪,白植任,王碩羚,2004,隊名:打不死的小強,第三屆化工E車創意競賽論文集,pp. 80-83。(帶領學生參加化工年會舉辦的第三屆化工E車創意競賽,榮獲中南區性能競賽第一名)