位置: 蘇沛琪 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. Su Pei Chi, "THE ORAL HISTORY OF ALISHAN FOREST RAILWAY STAFFS IN CHIAYI JHUCI," International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, Sep, 2017.
2. Su, Pei-Chi, Chu, Ko-Hsuan, "The Buildingofa Sense of Local Identity by Youth Volunteers in Taiwan Alishan’s Zhuqi Township through Local Participation," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation IEEE-ICASI- EI, May, 2017.
3. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, Takeyuki OKUBO, "ON THE TREAD OF TRADITIONAL CARPENTERS FROM JAPAN DURING JAPANESE COLONIAL PERIOD IN CHIAYI CITY," 日本建築學會計畫系論文集, 第 77 卷, 第 679 號, 2271-2281, Sep, 2012.
4. 蘇沛琪、邱上嘉, "日治時期嘉義市傳統工匠脈絡研究," 科技學刊,第21卷,人文社會類,第2期, p111-124, Aug, 2012.
5. 蘇沛琪、邱上嘉, "日治時期中國籍傳統工匠執業與脈絡研究," 建築學報,臺灣 建築學會(TSSCI), 第 82 期,2012 年 12 月,冬季號。P143~P162
6. 蘇沛琪、邱上嘉, "日治時期福籍傳統工匠執業與脈絡研究," 設計學報, 中華民 國設計學會。卷17,第 3 期,2012 年 9 月。P95~P113
7. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "Preliminary Explosion on Ancient Architecture’s Disaster Prevention Design Strategy: Buildings in Lin’s Village in Wufeng," Design Principles & Practices Aninternational JOURNAL Volume5 2011 -GC
1. 徐文俊、蘇沛琪、陳品歆, "行動裝置虛擬實境蘭花輔助學習系統開發之使用性與互動性研究," 2021視覺傳達設計國際研討會暨基礎造型論壇ICWVCD, Nov, 2021.
2. Chian-Fan Liou; Pei-Chi Su; Shih-Chieh Liao; Chao-Chih Huang, "Discussion on Internet Public Voices and Their Influence on the Popular Animation Film PUI PUI Molcar Published Over Internet," ICASI 2021 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Jul, 2021.
3. 蘇沛琪、許擇瑋、柯淳偉, "臺灣工藝技術之詮釋資料設計與建置初探," 2021創新數位設計國際研討會ICIDD, May, 2021.
4. 莫慶陽、蘇沛琪、林佳駿, "以盲盒形式推廣中國傳統神話故事研究," 2021創新數位設計國際研討會ICIDD, May, 2021.
5. SU PEI CHI, "A Study on the Traditional craftsmen in Taiwan a Survey of Vocational and Technical Competence.," 2017 International Conference on Innovation Communication and Engineering, Nov, 2017.
6. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou., "he Construction Import Arts Education Training local Volunteers Recognition Mode, in Chiayi Jhuci High School Taiwan," 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Jun, 2016.
7. M.T. Huang , S.C. Chiou , T.W. Hsu , P.C. Su, "Study on establishment of Body of Knowledge of Taiwan's Traditional Wooden Structure Technology," CIPA2016 Sympsium, Aug, 2015.
8. Pei-Chi Su, Ke-Hsuan Chu, "A Study on the Traditional Carpenters in Chiayi City during the Japanese Colonial Period, Fujian," 2015 The 3th International Conference on Business and SocialSciences (ICBSS), Mar, 2015.
9. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "An Exploration on the Preservation Value of Chiayi’s Timber Town Assets during the Japanese Colonial Period," APSA 11th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association, Sep, 2011.
10. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "Study of Ergonomics Improvement on Disaster Prevention for Ancient Buildings An Example of Wufeng Building Clusters," The 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics, Jan, 2011.
11. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "The Study of the Context of Taiwan's Traditional Craftsman in Japanese Occupation Times- Based on Household Information in the Chiayi," Cumulus 2010 Shanghai conference, Sep, 2010.
12. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "Environment Impact Assessment in Study of Historic Buildings," The 17th International Conference on Learning, Jul, 2010.
13. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "A Preliminary Exploration on the Development of Traditional Craftsman in Taiwan Alishan’s," The Third International Global Studies Conference, Jun, 2010.
14. Pei-Chi Su, Shang-Chia Chiou, "Preliminary Explosion on Ancient Architecture’s Disaster Prevention Design Strategy: Buildings in Lin’s Village in Wufeng," The Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Jan, 2010.
1. 王璟文, 蘇沛琪, "手遊神磨之塔角色視覺感性意象描述," 2020創新數位設計國際研討會ICIDD, May, 2020.
2. 朱可暄, 蘇沛琪, "文化資產保存技術之大木作職能標準能力初探," 2015第20屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第2屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會, May, 2015.
3. 李毓倩, 蘇沛琪, "台南市正興街環境色彩應用於識別設計之研究," 2015第20屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第2屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會, May, 2015.
4. 羅允廷, 蘇沛琪, "2015第20屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第2屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會," 以台南林百貨文創商品探討文化性元素之轉化研究, May, 2015.
5. 陳晟騏、蘇沛琪, "汽車恆溫空調控制介面之使用者認知偏好初探," 2014驚艷。文化創意設計研討會, Jun, 2014.
6. 蘇沛琪、莊育振, "地方文化產業數位化之創意策略以嘉義縣隙頂社區紀 錄片拍攝工作為例,," 創意生活設計國際研討會, Jun, 2009.
7. 蘇沛琪, "用地方文化形象應用於標誌設計以雲林虎尾鎮徽設計為例," 文化創意與設計創新學術研討會論文集, Apr, 2009.
8. 蘇沛琪、邱上嘉, "歷史建築相關法規與實務探討," 第一屆空間設計學術 論文及設計作品發表研討會, Feb, 2004.
1. 蘇沛琪, "文化資產木作工匠培育," , Jan, 2020.