位置: 牟彩雲 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. Tsai-Yun Mou, Tay-Sheng Jeng, and Chien-Hsu Chen, "From storyboard to story: Animation content development," Educational Research and Reviews, Vol.8 (13), pp 1032-1047, 2013.
2. Tsai-Yun Mou, Tay-Sheng Jeng, and Chun-Heng Ho, "Sociable Kitchen: Interactive Recipe System in Kitchen Island," International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 3, No. 2, 27-38, 2009.
3. Tsai-Yun Mou, Tay-Sheng Jeng, and Chun-Heng Ho, "Relationship Enhancer: Interactive Recipe in Kitchen Island," Human-Computer Interaction, Part III, HCII 2009, LNCS 5612, 641-650, Springer, 2009.
4. Tsai-Yun Mou and Chun-Heng Ho, "Novices’Satisfactory Design: Some implications for Performance and Satisficing in Character Design," Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC 08), 473-490, Springer, 2008.
1. Tsai-Yun Mou, "Motion capture in supporting creative animation design," The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity (4th ICDC), Nov, 2016.
2. Tsai-Yun Mou, "Analogy or Copy? On Perception of Different Motion Design Methods in Animation," Design Computing and Cognition(DCC’16), Jun, 2016.
3. 劉嚴元, 牟彩雲, "平民英雄之英雄旅程劇本剖析及探討," 2015【薪傳藝技.時尚東方】國際華文研討會, Oct, 2015.
4. Tsai-Yun Mou, Yi-Ting Ou, Kuo-Li Huang, "Effects of Emotions on the Creation of Art Burt Images," The 2nd Asia Comics and Animation International Symposium, Mar, 2015.
5. Tsai-Yun Mou, "Creative Story Design Method in Animation Production Pipeline," The Third International Conference on Design Creativity (3rd ICDC), 124-131, ISBN 978-1-904670-60-5, Jan, 2015.
6. Tsai-Yun Mou and Tay-Sheng Jeng, "Appeal or Rationality? On Design of Spokes-character," 3rd International Design and Cinema Conference (Design Cinema 2008), 2008.
1. 劉嚴元,牟彩雲, "平民英雄故事類型之劇本分析初探," 2015 設計與文化學術研討會, May, 2015.
2. 李儒鴻,劉淳泓,牟彩雲, "以2D動畫實現敘事型行銷置入方法之初探," 2014動畫媒體設計學術研討會, Dec, 2014.
3. 許奕婷,陳一夫,牟彩雲, "從角色設計解構動畫「風之谷」的生態寓意," 2014動畫媒體設計學術研討會, Dec, 2014.
4. 何俊亨、牟彩雲、侯愷均, "互動式廚房資訊管理系統整合研究初探," 「智慧生活科技區域整合中心計畫」暨「前瞻優質生活環境計畫」聯合成果發表會, 155-158, 行政院國家科學委員會, 2009.
1. 許浩龍、牟彩雲、何性東、何炳輝主編, "Fresh Idea 新品上市,創意思考與方法課程-校園創意產品成果作品集," , 崑山科技大學, ISBN:978-986-6448-76-8, Jun, 2013.
2. 牟彩雲、涂國雄, "動畫分鏡實用秘笈-從文字到分鏡表的專業實務養成基礎," , 上奇資訊出版社, ISBN: 978-986-2575-70-3, Apr, 2013.