by 699c0019, 2012-03-21 11:04:22, 人氣(1887)

2012 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning

Southern Taiwan University







Opening Ceremony     

Opening Remark by President Tai, Chein



Opening Remark of Dean Lee, Hsin-Hsiang




Keynote Speech I大會專題演講(一): Room E1301

Speaker: Jesse Goodman (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Title: Language and Power in a Globalized World: Implications for Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Chair: Tai, James H. Y. (National Chung-cheng Univ., former Vice President)

主持人: 戴浩一 (中正大學前副校長)


     Tea Break   


Keynote Speech II會專題演講(二):Room E1301

Speaker: Anthony Welch (University of Sydney)

Title: Culture, Language and Identity in the Context of Globalisation:

The Australian Case


 Chair: Min, Hui-tz (National Cheng-Kung University)

主持人: 閔慧慈(成功大學外文系教授)


          Lunch Break    


A1: Room E1303 主持人: 吳靜芬(嘉義大學語言中心主任)

李多耕:Investigating Taiwanese High School EFL Teachers’ Strategies of Utilizing SMS to Enhance Students’ English Learning during Commute

陳玟君、施佑芝、劉繼仁: Re-training Digital Natives for Communicative Writing in a Web 2.0 Era

楊孝慈、洪士閔、王世銓、李書堯: Using Online Videos to Teach Australian English Accents: Towards a Receptive Language Pedagogy

A2: Room E1304 主持人: 黃士人(高雄應用科技大學應用外語系主任)

楊明倫、陳麗娟: Integrating Character Education into English Classes at an Elementary School: An Action Research

徐筱玲: Assessing the Effect of Form-Focused Instruction on Passive Voice in terms of Four Properties

: Corpus-based Research into the Development of Themes in Chinese Learners’ Spoken English

A3: Room E602 主持人: 謝麗雪 (台南大學英語系教授)

Gregory Hicklen: Foreign Students Opinions of Studying at Taiwan Universities

梁馨予、陳怡真: College Students’ Attitudes toward Short Story Reading


         Tea Break   


B1: Room E1303 主持人:方月秋(虎尾科技大學語言教學中心主任)

吳靜芬、謝欣潔、洪玉如: Needs Analysis: Developing an ESP Micro-program for College Students in Taiwan

陳秉訓: Patent English in the Context of Patent Eligibility

廖恩弘: The Requirements of Business Communication Courses –A Case Study of Southern Taiwan University

B2: Room E1304 主持人: 張淑芬(台南應用科技大學應用英語系主任)

劉玉玲:Detecting Unexpected Responses on Assessment of Verbal Proficiency in a Videotaped Speech Contest

呂雅琳: Bilingual Education and Linguistic Minority Group

B3: Room E602 主持人: 洪銓修(雲林科技大學應用外語系教授)

David Pendery: Language Proficiency, Classroom Attitudes and Linguistic Identity in Taiwanese Students: A Report from the National Taipei College of Business

熊彬杉、李依璐、林稚傑、周怡妙: A Survey of the Employment and Academic Advancement of Alumni from CJCU Department of Translation & Interpretation Studies (1998-2011)


         Tea Break   


Keynote Speech III大會專題演講()Room E1301

Speaker: Glynda A. Hull (University of California, Berkeley)

Title: Online Games for Young Readers: English Language Learning in a Digital Age


Chair: Damien Trezise (Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy & Science)

主持人: Damien Trezise (嘉南藥理科技大學語言中心主任)


Closing Ceremony