2015pecera in australia
by cchen05, 2015-03-04 08:40:57, 人氣(1008)

The annual PECERA conference is heading to Sydney, Australia!
Following last year's sucess in Bali, the Pacific Early Childhood Research Association (PECERA) will hold its 16th meeting in Sydney. This year's conference theme is: Play: Time, Space and Place. 

PECERA 2015 needs your expertise!
The scientific organising committee is calling for oral and poster abstracts to be submitted for the following themes: 

Action Research, Child Development and Learning, Children with Diverse Needs, Curriculum, Difficult to Access Populations, Environmental Education, Leadership and Management, Nutrition, Safety and Health, Parenting/Building Partnerships with Families, Policy Issues, Teacher Education, Technology in Early Childhood Education. 

All abstracts need to be submitted by COB on Wednesday, 15 April.

Registration is set to open within the month! If you want more information in the meantime:

The PECERA Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus will be released in the next week. To register your interest: 

Professor Tim Waller and Prof Sue Grieshaber are now confirmed as PECERA 2015's keynote speakers. For more information on both:

PECERA 2015 Conference Secretariat
P.O BOX 576
Crows Nest, NSW 1585
T: +61 2 9431 8600| F: +61 2 9431 8677
E: pecera2015@theassociationspecialists.com.au
W: www.pecera2015.com.au

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PECERA 2015 Secretariat · Level 3 · 33-35 Atchison Street · St Leonards, NSW 2065 · Australia

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