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Name: 童鼎鈞
Department: 南台科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計系 [elearning courses]
Research: 文創整合設計、活動視覺規劃、色彩應用設計、感性設計、印刷設計
Office: T1007
Office Time: 週三四五,10~12點
1. Ting-Chun Tung, Hung-Yuan Chen, "Integrating Conjoint Analysis with TOPSIS Algorithm to the Visual Effect of Icon Design Based on Multiple Users’ Image Perceptions.," EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Sep, 2016.
2. Hung-Yuan Chen, Yu-Ming Chang, Ting-Chun Tung, "Comparison of Two Quantitative Analysis Techniques to Predict the Evaluation of Product Form Design," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Sep, 2014.
3. Kuo-Li Huang, Tsen-Yao Chang, Ting-Chun Tung, "To Decipher the Capital´s Cultural Image Based on the New Generations´ Perspectives on Action Figure Design," Communications in Computer and Information Science, Jul, 2013.
4. 童鼎鈞,溫政一,黃國禮, "Android 智慧型行動電話作業系統介面使用性比較初探," 文化創意產業研究學報, Jun, 2011.
5. 賴宏儒,童鼎鈞,黃國禮, "四門轎車造型特徵與觀賞視角對消費者吸引力影響之初探," 文化創意產業研究學報, Mar, 2011.
6. Shing-Sheng Guan, Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, Ting-Chun Tung, "The Influence of Illustrative Style of Icon Design on Usability and Aesthetics," International Journal of Kansei Information, Sep, 2010.
7. Ting-Chun Tung, Shing-Sheng Guan, Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, "A Study of the Illustrative Style Effect of Icon Design-Using the Digital Camera Icon as an Example," Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Nov, 2009.
8. 管倖生、童鼎鈞、謝承勳, "圖標設計之局部特徵屬性對整體感性之研究," 科技學刊(人文社會類), Oct, 2008.
9. 謝承動,童鼎鈞,管倖生, "動態圖標設計之感性意象研究," 科技學刊(人文社會類), Apr, 2008.
International Paper
1. Tung, Ting-Chun; Hsieh, Cheng-Hsun; Huang, Yu-Chen, "The kansei evaluation on sports utility vehicle of the visual angle and form feature.," 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE ICASI 2016, Aug, 2016.
2. Ting-Chun Tung, Hung-Yuan Chen, "Application of back-propagation neural network-based approach to icon image design. 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation," 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE ICASI 2016, Aug, 2016.
3. Ching-Hua Wei, Ting-Chun Tung, Shin-Chieh Hsiao, Wan-Chun Chen, Yen-Ming Chiu, Kun-Tse Tu, Chun-Wen Yeh, Kuo-Yi Chen, "Hospital Bed with Auxiliary Functions of Lateral Positioning and Transferring for Immobilized Patients," The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'07), Nov, 2007.
4. Shing-Sheng Guan, Ting-Chun Tung, "A study on kansei emotion of illustrative style for icon design using conjoint analysis," International conference kansei engineering and emotion research 20007, Oct, 2007.
5. Shing-Sheng Gaun,Ting-Chun Tung,Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, "llustrative Style of Icon Design Image Using Neural Networks Models," KES2007 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Sep, 2007.
6. Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, Shing-Sheng Guan, Ting-Chun Tung, "The optimum design of motion icon for mobile phone based on the human comfort affection," HCI International 2007, Jul, 2007.
7. Shing-Sheng Guan, Ting-Chun Tung, "A Kansei Study of Color Emotions and Color Preference," Pan Pacific Fashion Colour Conference, Sep, 2004.
8. Li-Chen Ou, M. Ronnier Luo, Guihua Cui, Andrée Woodcock, Shing-Sheng Guan, Ding-Chun Tung, "Influence of Different Cultures and Display Media on Colour Emotions," Design and Emotion, Jul, 2004.
Domestic Paper
1. 童鼎鈞、蔡含鈺, "超級英雄角色面具之造型特徵初探," 「跨越數位世代,朝向未來設計」2014台灣感性工學設計國際研討會, Nov, 2014.
2. 童鼎鈞、黃嘉苹, "應用台中印象於太陽餅包裝之元素初探," 「跨越數位世代,朝向未來設計」2014台灣感性工學設計國際研討會, Nov, 2014.
3. 童鼎鈞、謝承勳、劉奕妘、江閔樺, "智慧型手機應用軟體商店靜態圖標設計影響視覺搜尋績效之研究," 2013新媒體創作與視覺傳達設計暨第七屆台灣數位媒體設計學會國際研討會, Oct, 2013.
4. 童鼎鈞、張瀞分, "應用五行概念於視覺識別設計," 2013新媒體創作與視覺傳達設計暨第七屆台灣數位媒體設計學會國際研討會, Oct, 2013.
5. 童鼎鈞、林穎琪, "立燈造形感受性與喜好度之研究," 2013新媒體創作與視覺傳達設計暨第七屆台灣數位媒體設計學會國際研討會, Oct, 2013.
Book and Report
1. 管倖生、童鼎鈞等, "設計研究方法(第三版)," , Dec, 2010.
1. 童鼎鈞、陳重任、林信宏, "具打洞功能的釘書機," , Jul, 2012.
2. 童鼎鈞、陳重任、林信宏, "牙刷架," , Jul, 2012.
3. 童鼎鈞、孫志誠、郭雅雯, "骨灰罈箱架內門定位結構," , Feb, 2012.
4. 童鼎鈞、陳重任、林信宏, "旋轉式休閒椅," , Jan, 2012.
5. Ching- Hua Wei, Ting -Chun Tung, Zhi -Hao Shi , Whai- Shen Chen,Shen -Yuan Lin, "Hospital Bed Apparatus for Turning and Repositioning Plus Shifting a Patient to Another Bed (兼具側向翻身及移床功能之病床機構)," , Jul, 2009.
6. 魏慶華、童鼎鈞、施志豪、陳懷生、林聖源, "兼具側向翻身及移床功能之病床機構," , Jul, 2009.
7. 魏慶華、童鼎鈞、張軒捷、林伯穎、陳石凱、金曜靈、陳育增、郭育呈, "兼具冰桶與露營冷氣功能之可攜式裝置," , Dec, 2008.
8. 童鼎鈞、郭雅雯、林信宏, "衛浴置物架,"