Position: 黃國禮 > ePortfolio > Profile
Work Experience
Personal Data
Name: 黃國禮
Department: 南台科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計系 [elearning courses]
Research: 觀光工廠、包裝設計、符號學、多媒體設計、視覺傳達設計
Office: T801
Office Time: 到處開會很難找,先email約時間

Kuo-Li HUANG obtained his MA degree from De Montfort University, UK in 2001 and was awarded a PhD degree in design from Sheffield Hallam University, UK in 2005. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Visual Communication Design and the Graduate School of Digital Content and Animation Design, Southern Taiwan University. His research interest includes user experience design, tourism factory, interaction design and computer graphic. His position is the head of his Department and Graduate School as well as one of the founders of Taiwan Design Innovation and Management Association.


1.           台灣插畫師協會顧問2012

2.           台南市美術設計協會顧問2012

3.           經濟部觀光工廠評鑑委員2010

4.           台灣創意中心設計服務機構技術服務能量登錄審查委員2010

5.           金點設計獎評審2009

6.           台灣創意中心iF communication & package design award補助審查評審2009

7.           經濟部輔導觀光工廠團隊2010

8.           大同技術學院系所自評委員,2010

9.           國科會科學教育處審查委員2007

10.       南台學報審查委員2006

11.       韓國IASDR 2009研討會Session Chair2009/10

12.       修平技術學院自我評鑑委員,2009/9

13.       金犢獎評審委員,2009/5

14.       四技聯招入學考試設計類閱卷委員,2009/52010/5

15.       台灣創意中心優良設計產品評審,,2009/5

16.       98年度多元就業開發方案,地方文化產業諮詢委員,行政院勞工訓練局,2009/1

17.       南台科技大學『文化商品與動畫藝術』國際研討會主席,2008/1

18.       台北市電腦公會黃金企鵝獎評審委員,2007/62008/6

19.       97年度「優良設計產品評鑑(包裝設計類)」評審委員,台灣創意中心,2008/8

20.       南台科技大學『話動畫—2008動畫新潮流與新思維』國際研討會主席,2008/11

21.       台灣藝術大學96學年度碩士畢業口試委員2008

22.       高雄應用科技大學學報審查委員2008

23.       2007數位設計國際研討會執行主席,南台科技大學,2007/3

24.       教育部中教司審查委員2007

25.       高苑學報審查委員2007

26.       台南市文化局審查委員2007

27.       高雄縣文化局審查委員2007

28.       南台科技大學,資訊傳播系助理教授,2005/82006/7

29.       南台科技大學,多媒體與遊戲發展科學系講師/助理教授,2004/8-2005/7

30.       台灣設計創新管理協會發起人2004

31.       英國雪菲爾台灣同學會副會長,2002

1. Kuo-Li Huang , Tsen-Yao Chang*, Ting-Chun Tung, "To Decipher the Capital’s Cultural Image Based on the New Generations’ Perspectives on Action figure Design," EI, Jul, 2013.
2. Tsen-Yao Chang, Kuo-Li Huang, "Service-Learning Model of Cultural and Creative Talent Cultivation for the Bamboo Industry Cluster," EI, Jul, 2013.
3. Tsen-Yao Chang, Kuo-Li Huang*, and Kung-Hung Chen, "Culture-driven Product: Creating an Cultural Engagement with Historical Heritage," Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 311, pp366-371, Feb, 2013.
4. Tsen-Yao Chang, Miao-Chen Lin, Kuo-Li Huang, and Chang Wen-Hsin, "Cultural Color Inspiration: Learning the Color Context in Cultural Reflections," Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 311, pp275-280, Feb, 2013.
5. 涂俊東、王文雄、黃國禮、童鼎鈞, "以體驗觀點探討北門遊客中心展示與經營之研究," 文化創意產業研究學報,Vol.3(1),p. 121-128, Sep, 2011.
6. 童鼎鈞、溫政一、黃國禮, "Android 智慧型行動電話作業系統介面使用性比較初探," 文化創意產業研究學報,Vol.2(1),p. 53-60, Jun, 2011.
7. 賴宏儒,童鼎鈞,黃國禮, "四門轎車造型特徵與觀賞視角對消費者吸引力影響之初探," 文化創意產業研究學報,Vol.1(1),p. 39-48, Mar, 2011.
8. Tsukamoto, H., Nagumo, H., Takemura, Y., Huang, K.L., Matsumoto, K., "Analyzing the Motivation Factors of the Students in the Art and Design Faculty to Learn Programming," ournal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol.7(1), Dec, 2008.
International Paper
1. Tsen-Yao Chang, Kung-Hung Chen, and Kuo-Li Huang, "Shaping a Case in Cultural Product Design for City Marketing: Product storytelling for the former Tainan State Magistrate," 2012 Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference, '2012/07/01~04, Bangkok.
2. Tsen-Yao Chang, Kung-Hung Chen, and Kuo-Li Huang, "Developing Cultural Products to Promote Local Culture: a Marketing Design for the Former Tainan State Magistrate Residence," DesignEd Asia Conference2011, 2011/11/29-30, HK
3. H.B. WANG, D.B. LUH, K.L. HUANG, R. Chen, "Customization Process Applied to the Design of Assistive Device," IEEM 2009 (IEEE conference) 2009/12/8-11, HK.
4. Hao Lu, Tsen-Yao Chang, Kuo-Li Huang, "Designing Cuisine Packaging Probes for the Night Market Culture," IASDR 2009, 2009/10/19-22, Korea
5. sen-Yao Chang, Kuo-Li Huang, "The Intrinsic Value of Emotional Probes," IASDR 2009, 2009/10/19-22, Korea
6. Yung-Hsuan Tsai, Tsen-Yao Chang, Kuo-Li Huang, "The Experience Economy: Innovative Marketing of Traditional Cultural Codes for Theme Restaurants," IASDR 2009, 2009/10/19-22, Korea
7. K.L. HUANG, H.J. CHANG, T.Y. CHANG, Y.M. CHANG, H.C. CHANG, "Exploration of Digital Game Players’ Superpower Behavior from the Perspective of a Desirous Subject," IASDR 2009, 2009/10/19-22, Korea