The purposes of this project
by 聶均恬, 2011-12-06 00:26, 人氣(1283)


本專題目的是為了讓初次來本校的新生以及外籍生能夠更深入了解南台,除了新生導覽以及地圖外,我們提供更詳細及生動的方式, 搭配中英文發音,我們將以雙語呈現給大家,讓使用此線上字典的人能夠在實體生活上對於我們提供的單字有所運用並加以學習

 此情境導覽的內容包含所有新生(new comers)所需要的地點及相關資訊,希望能夠提供並且幫助到all of you



  STU Campus Dictionary is created as a reference for new comers of  Southern Taiwan University. The purpose of this topic is to offer the basic campus information for the freshmen and international students, who want to more about the school
    In addition to the guide books and maps in STUT’s website, we provide more detailed pictures in a bilingual way, aided with Chinese and English pronunciation. For the person who use this online dictionary, he/she is able to make use of the vocabulaies we provided when in needed.
   This on-line dictionary project includes several parts, involving locations and the relative information that all new comers need to know. With the greatest hope, this project can play a role of campus guide.