位置: 陳姿汝 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. Chen, Z. R., Lim, C. K., and Shao, W. Y., "Comparisons of practice progress of digital design and fabrication in free-form architecture," Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 2, 121–132, UK: Taylor & Francis, Apr, 2015.
2. 陳姿汝、蔡佩芸, "數位藝術中參與者與作品之互動關係初探─以台灣數位藝術作品為例," 藝術研究學報, Vol. 7(2), p.57-74, 台南:國立臺南大學, Oct, 2014.
3. 許有麟、陳姿汝、楊美維, "奇幻遊戲與玩家的新互動(A New Game Experience for Players of Fantasy Games)," 美育雙月刊Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 199, p.16-25, 台北:國立臺灣藝術教育館, Jan, 2014.
1. Chen, Z. R., "A Creativity Model for Group Interactions of Design Activity," the 5th Annual Conference on Management and Social Sciences (ACMASS 2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sep 2-4, 2015., Sep, 2015.
2. Chen, Z. R., "The effect of digital media on design communication and creativity in a design group: a studio as a case study," 19th International conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), Seoul, South Korea, Aug 19-22, 2013., Aug, 2013.
3. Chen, Z. R., Lim, C. K. and , Shao, W. Y., "Digital Design and Construction Progress in Architecture," International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 12-14, 2012, Dec, 2012.
4. Liu, Y. T., Chen, Z. R., Liang, K. H., and Shao, W. Y., "Seven local cases of new tectonics," in: Jeng, X. L. (ed), in Digital flow of architecture: from creation to construction, 162-169. Shanghei: Tongji University Press., Aug, 2010.
5. Chen, Z. R., Wang, C. Y., Hung, P. C. and Liu, Y. T., "Preliminary tectonic phenomena of diversified architectural spatial forms in digital age," Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADIRA 2010), 599-608, Hong Kong, Apr, 2010.
6. Chen, Z. R., "Simplicity: How to use a Human-Computer Interface without thinking?," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADIRA 2009), 361-370, Taiwan., Apr, 2009.
7. Chen, Z. R., "How to improve Creativity: Can designers improve their design creativity by using conventional and digital media simultaneously?," Proceedings of the 12th Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures (CAAD Futures 2007), 571-583, Australia., Jul, 2007.
1. 蔡佩芸、陳姿汝*, "數位藝術參與者與作品互動性角色的關係初探─以台灣數位藝術案例為例," 視覺藝術學術研討會論文集; Visual Art Conference 2014, pp. 61-78,台南:臺南大學美術學系,ISBN: 978-986-04-1189-8, May, 2014.
2. 林才人、陳姿汝*, "隱喻應用於擴增實境使用者介面之案例分析研究," 視覺藝術學術研討會論文集; Visual Art Conference 2014, pp. 140-154,台南:臺南大學美術學系,ISBN: 978-986-04-1189-8, May, 2014.