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[Office] How to get genuine Office 2013 with your STUST ID?
by 鐘崇偉 2015-08-16 01:16:48, 回應(0), 人氣(1939)
No serial number required. Free of charge.First...You will prepare the following item:(1) a STUST ID/password.(2) an internet with good connection.*Note: Windows XP is not support Office 365.STEP 1 Go
[Office] 用南臺帳號免費取得正版Office 2013 32/64bit (PC / Mac 適用)
by 鐘崇偉 2015-08-15 20:43:17, 回應(0), 人氣(34938)
買了新電腦卻沒有 Office可用?,想幫行政用電腦灌 Office 卻又擔心版權問題? 只要您是南臺學生/老師,電腦裡沒有 Office,學校有合法正版的管道可以