by 吳一德, 2011-02-11 21:38, 人氣(3746)


  • Abelson, H, de Sessa, A: Turtle geometry. USA, MIT Press, 1980.
  • Allan, R A: Three amazing Micromice: hitherto undisclosed details. IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 15, November 1978, pp. 62-65.
  • Allan, R A: The amazing Micromice: see how they won. IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 16, September 1979. pp. 62-65.
  • Allen, S A: On building a light-seeking robot mechanism. Byte, August 1978. pp. 24-42.
  • Allen, S A: Simple maze traversal algorithms. Byte, 4-6, June 1979, pp. 36-46.
  • Avila, E F: Of mice and machines. Robotics Age, Vol. 6, October 1984, p. 30.
  • Auyeung, T: Popular Micromouse Algorithms Part I- A Wall Hugging Algorithm. Robot Science and Technology Magazine, July 1998, pp. 30, 31, 53.
  • Auyeung, T: Popular Micromouse Algorithms Part II- A depth –first Search. Robot Science and Technology Magazine, November 1998, pp. 40-43.
  • Auyeung, T: Popular Micromouse Algorithms Part III- The Flood –Fill Algorithm. Robot Science and Technology Magazine, January 1999, pp. 42-46.
  • Auyeung, T: Popular Micromouse Algorithms Part IV- A* Algorithm. Robot Science and Technology Magazine, April 1999, pp. 14-19.
  • Auyeung, T: Popular Micromouse Algorithms Part V- C* Search Algorithm. Robot Science and Technology Magazine, September/October 1999, pp. 7-12.
  • Balch, T: Grid-Based Navigation for Mobile Robots. The Robotics Practitioner, Winter 1996. pp. 7-11.
  • Berm Bach, Geisse, H: Ultrasonics make micro robot see. Micro processing and micro programming, Vol. 14, 1984, pp. 177-179.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromouse -Heavy metal mickeys. Practical Computing, May 1982, p 161.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromouse -Winner of the contest. Practical Computing, July 1982, p 159.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromouse-Mighty mice battle in Europe. Practical Computing, Dec 1982, p. 130-131.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromouse -Maze mastery. Practical Computing, September 1983, p. 39.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromouse -Ratones robot. Practical Computing, December 1983, p. 36.
  • Billingsley, J: T4 still top mouse. Practical Computing, September 1984, p. 29.
  • Billingsley, J: Top mouse. Practical Computing, November 1984, p. 37.
  • Billingsley, J: DIY robotics and sensors for the BBC computer (and the Commodore computer). Sunshine Publications. 1984.
  • Billingsley, J: Contests in robotics: Micromouse and robot. Electronic Systems News, Autumn 1985, pp. 23-24.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromice at Expo 185, Tsukuba. Electronic Systems News, Spring 1986, p. 32.
  • Billingsley, J: Alternative robotics. Practical Electronics, Vol. 22, No 7, July 1986, pp. 2.6-27.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromouse, Ping-Pong and the future. IEE Colloquium on Personal Robotics in the Borne, Digest No 86/92, IEE London, July 1986, pp. 1-3.
  • Billingsley, J: Micromice find ways to a maze. Sensor Review, April 1990, pp. 89-92.
  • Billingsley, J: Do we really need Mechatronics. Proceedings NELCON-92. Wellington, New Zealand, August 1992.
  • Bollinger, J, Duffie, N A: Sensors and actuators. IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 20, May 1983, p. 70-73.
  • Borgefors, G: Distance transform in arbitrary dimensions: Computer Vision, Graphics Image Processing, Vol. 27, 1984, pp. 321-324.
  • Bradbeer, R: Educational uses of Micromouse and robot Ping-Pong in the teaching of mechatronics: Proceedings NELCON 192. Wellington, New Zealand, August 1992, pp. 75-80.
  • Brooks, R A: ,Solving the find-path problem by good representation of free space. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-13, No 3, March 1983, pp. 190-197.
  • Backdate, C W, Helms, D: Some general rules for building robots: Proceedings of the Third Conference on Industrial Robot Technology and Sixth International Symposium on Industrial Robots. Nottingham University, March 24-26 1976, pp. E4-49 to E4-58; International Fluidics Services, Bedford, England.
  • Bidet, T:Micromouse competitions -an intellectual and technical challenge. NZ Engineering, August. 1991, pp. 27-28.
  • Chatila, R: Path planning and environmental learning in a mobile robot system. Proceedings European Conference.
  • Chin, J S, Lim, R B, Boo, K H: First Singapore Micromouse Contest: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 1987.
  • Ching, T: IEEE Micro Mouse using the 87C751 microcontroller, Application Note AN 443, Phillips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products, June 1993, pp. 1-21.
  • Christiansen, b: Announcing the amazing Micromouse maze contest. IEEE Spectrum, Vol 14, No 5, May 1977, p. 27.
  • Cherisher, S: DC motor controls. Byte, 66-98, May 1981.
  • Coy, W: Automata in Labyrinths, Proceedings of the International Fundamentals of Computation Theory FCT Conference, Poznan-Kornik, Poland, September 19-23, 1977. pp. 65-71.
  • Cynar, S: Micromouse, an interdisciplinary educational experience. Computers in Education (Division of ASEE, USA), Vol. 9, No 4, October-December 1989, pp. 78-80.
  • Cynar, Sandy J: Simulating the maze solving algorithm for the CSULB Micromouse. Proceedings 1992 SCS, ASEE, IEEE Education Society International Conference on simulation in Engineering Education.
  • Dibley, A: DIY about the mouse. Practical Computing, Vol. 7, July 1984, pp. 120-121.
  • Dibley, A: Practical Micromouse. Practical Electronics, July 1986, Vol. 22, No 7, pp. 28-30.
  • Doi, Y: Robots get smarter and more versatile. IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 14, September 1977, pp. 65-68.
  • Electro-Craft Corp: DC motors speed controls servo systems. Pergamon Press Ltd, 1977.
  • Elektor Staff: Stepper motor control. Elektor, Vol. 12, July/August 1986, pp. 117-118.
  • Fikes, R E, Hart, P E, Nilsson N J: Learning and executing generaliser robot plans. Artificial Intelligence 3-4, Winter 1972, pp. 251-288.
  • Friedman, B: Using back emf for tacho to cut motion control servo costs: Electronics Engineer (HK), October 1991, pp. 156-159.
  • Fu, K S, Gonzalez, R C, Lee, C S G: Robotics: control, sensing, vision and intelligence. McGraw Hill, 1987. ISBN 0-07-100421-1.
  • Gayakwad, R, Sokoloff, A: Analog and digital control systems. Prentice-Hall, 1988.
  • Gotten, R et al: Coupling two microprocessors to do the data processing in a Micromouse. Euromicro Symposium on Micro-processing and Micro-programming, September 1981, pp. 153-159.
  • Gilbert, E G, Johnson, D W: Distance functions and their application to robot path planning in the presence of obstacles, IEEE J. Robotics Automation, Vol. RA-I. No 1, March 1985, pp. 21-30.
  • Goh, W L, Ng, H.K, Yap, P C: Design of a micromouse. Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, Vol. 27(1), May 19, pp. 27-36.
  • Gould, R: Graph Theory: Benjamin-Clummings, 1988.
  • Gupton, J A: Talk to a turtle: build a computer controlled robot. Byte, June 19, pp. 74-84.
  • Hampshire, N: Computabits: RLM projects. Practical Computing, November 1978, pp.63-65; and 1-4, December 1978, pp. 63-69.
  • Hampshire, N: Computabits: Stepper motor control using KIM-I. Practical Computing, 3-1, February 1980.
  • Hampshire, N: Computabits: Stepper motor control using RIM-I. Practical Computing, April 1979, pp. 90-96, and 2-5, May 1979, pp. 91-99.
  • Hampshire, N: Micromouse -Amazing show. Practical Computing, October 1981, p. 157.
  • Heiserman, D C: How to design and build your own custom robot. TAB Books, 1981.
  • Heiserman, D L: Build your own working robot. Foulsham-Tab Ltd, Slough, 1976. ISBN 0-7042-0171-2.
  • Hollis, R: Newt: A mobile, cognitive robot. Byte 2-6, June 1977.
  • Hopcroft, J and Tarjan, R: Algorithm 447 -efficient algorithms for graph manipulation. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 16, No.6, June 1973, pp 372-378.
  • Horgan, J: Profile: Claude E Shannon. Scientific American, Vol. 262, No1, January 1990, pp.16-17.
  • Hsieh, C H: The Micromouse base -and improvement of practice. 1992. I-Chung Information Ltd, 12th floor, No202, Ho-ping East Road, 1st Section, Taipei. Taiwan, ROC (In Chinese but the circuits and programs are in English).
  • Q Hughes. M: Micromouse -Thezeus and son. Practical Computing. January 1982. p.147.
  • ITT Applications staff: Infrared receiver and infrared transmitter. Elektor. July 1980. p. 7-2.
  • Jackhammer. P: A stepper motor primer: Part 1 Theory and operation. Byte 4-2. February 1979. pp. 90-105, and Part 2. Interfacing and other considerations, Byte 4-3. March 1979.
  • Japanese Micromice take Boston: The Institute (IEEE, USA). March 1986. p.1.
  • Jarvis. R A and Byrne. J C: Robot navigation: touching, seeing and knowing. Proceedings Australian. Conference on Artificial Intelligence November 1986.
  • Ruan, D T. Zamiska, J C. Brooks. R A: Natural decomposition of free space for path planning. Proceedings International Conference on Robotics Automation (St. Louis, Mo. Mar 1984). pp. 168-173.
  • Laduzinsky. A J: Sensors match pace of microprocessors in versatility and accuracy. Control Engineering, Vol. 30, August 1983. pp. 65-67.
  • Larcombe. M HE: Tactile sensors, sonar sensors and parallax sensors for robot applications: Third conference on Industrial Robot Technology and Sixth International Symposium on Industrial Robots. University of Nottingham, March 24-26 1976. England: International Fluidics Services. Birmingham UK, pp. B1-1 to BI-8.
  • Larson, RE. and Casti. JL: Principles of dynamic programming. Marcel Dekker. 1978.
  • Laurie, P: Micromouse. Practical Computing. November 1980, p. 50.
  • Leng. G. W, Kait, N H. and Chin, Y P: Design of a Micromouse. Journal of the Institution of Engineers Singapore. Vol. 27. No 1. May 1987. pp. 27-36.
  • Loofbourrow. T: How to build a computer-controlled robot. Hayden Book Co Inc, New Jersey. ISBN 0-8104-5681-8.
  • Matuszek, D: How to build a maze. Byte. December 1981. pp. 190-196.
  • McComb. G: The robot builder's bonanza. McGraw Hill/TAB Books.
  • Miller. G L. et al: Active damping of ultrasonic transducers for robotic applications. IEEE International conference on Robotics. Atlanta, GA.. March. 1984. pp. 379-383. ISBN 0-8186-0526-X.
  • MIT Micromice win in California: The Institute (IEEE. USA).
  • Mitchell. J. Papadimitriou, C: Planning shortest paths, Tech. Rep. Dept. Operations Research. Stanford Univ. Stanford, CA.
  • Motor control: Practical Computing. 2-4. April 1979. pp. 90-96.
  • Nansel. Bob: LIMBO Part Three: Building the mobility base. Micro' Cornucopia. No50. November-December 1989. pp. 22-31.
  • Netter, T E: More maze building. Byte, May 1982, pp. 274-284.
  • Otten, D: Building :MITEE Mouse III: Part 1. Circuit Cellar Ink Magazine, June 1990, pp. 32- 39; Part 2. August 1990, pp. 40-51. (Suite 20, Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. USA).
  • Otten, D M and Kassagian, J G: The micro-mouse: an electromechanical challenge. Powertechnics Magazine, December 1986, pp. 21-24.
  • Pond, J: Putting it all together with robots: Industrial Robots V 0111 Fundamentals (Tanner, Wed). Michigan: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, ISBN 0-87263-045-5 (reprinted from Iron Age, December 13 1975), pp. 73-79.
  • Provo, B: Micromouse: an intimation of engineering excellence: NEW electronics (NZ), Associated Group Media Ltd. ISSN 0110/80343. September 1990, pp 36-39 (published as the maze craze).
  • Provo, B: Micromouse and NELCON: an educational experience. Sept. 1990. pp. 173-179.
  • Proceedings of the 27th National Electronics Convention 4th to 6th September 1990. NELCON '90. Centre for Continuing Education, University of Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 0-86869-002-3.
  • Provo, B and Durham, J: A dual processor mouse: ibid, pp. 179-188.
  • Provo, B: New Zealand Micromouse Association Newsletters. PO Box 47105, Trentham, New Zealand and Electronic Engineering Division, Central Institute of Technology, Private Bag 39807, Wellington Mail Centre, New Zealand.
  • Provo, B: Robotic control and ultrasonic sensing, a MC68HC16 application. Proceedings of the National Electronics Convention. August 1992. NELCON '92. Wellington Centre for Continuing Education, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Rollins, D: Polymaze solver. Creative Computing, Vol. L9, No 12,1983, pp. 294-311.
  • Ruocco, S R: Robot sensors and transducers. Open University Press and Wiley, UK, 1987. ISBN 0470-20894-5 and ISBN 0-335-15408-5.
  • Schurnmy, H and Billingsley, M A: Computers in the maze garden, Micromouse competition in Copenhagen: CHiP (Germany), No 3, March 1985, pp 243-244. (In German).
  • Shei, Chin-Han: The Micromouse guide. 1991. 12th floor, N0202, Ho-ping East Road 1st section, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (In Chinese but the circuits and programs are in English).
  • Smith Martin: Mobile Mice in Race for Brass Cheese. IEE News. October 3rd. 1996, p.2.
  • Smith Martin: Rokeby's Racing Robot Rodents. IEE Electronics Education Magazine. Autumn 2000. ISSN 02065-0096, p. 8-10.
  • Smith, M H: Design of a low-cost, general-purpose robot. Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University, 20-23 August 1973, pp. 324-335.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -New champions of the labyrinth. Practical Computing, Dec 1981, p.144.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -The Paris heat. Practical Computing, August 1981, p. 135.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -ICL Workshops. Practical Computing, July 1981, p. 114. 16
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -Dynamics laws create control 'nightmare'. Practical Computing, May 1981, p. 122.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse sensors. Practical Computing, September 1981, p. 133.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -ZX-80s on the brain. Practical Computing, 149, March 1982.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -Chassis design. 'Practical Computing, February 1981, p.125.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -Stepper motor control. Practical Computing, March 1981, p. 126.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -Space on object in mouse code. Practical Computing, June 1981, p. 137.
  • Smith, N: Micromouse -What makes Thezeus run. Practical Computing, February 1982, pp. 149-151.
  • Stanfield, D E: My computer runs mazes. Byte, 4-6, June 1979, pp. 86-99.
  • Stewart, I: Mathematical recreations; The true story of how Theseus found his way out of the labyrinth. Scientific American, February 1991, pp. 118-121.
  • Suh, S H, Shin, KG: A variational dynamic programming approach to robot-path planning with a distance-safety criterion. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, 4(3), June 1988, pp. 334-349.
  • Sweer, L, Dwyer, T, Critchfield, M: Controlling small DC motors with analog signals. Byte 2(8), August 1977, pp. 18-24.
  • Takeno, J and Mukaidono, M: The construction of maze solving robot MS-2 with ultrasonic sensor system: Research Reports in Engineering, Meiji University, Japan, No 44, 1983, pp. 33-38. (In Japanese).
  • Takeno, J and Mukaidono, M: A maze solving algorithm and its programs using Z-80 assembler language for a robot: Research Reports in Engineering, Meiji university, Japan, No 43, 1982, pp 33-47. (In Japanese).
  • TaIjan, R: Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' Journal on Computing, Vol. 1, No 2, June 1972, pp. 146-160.
  • Thrope, C. E: Path relaxation: Path planning for a mobile robot, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa, Tech. Rep. CMU-RI-TR-84-5, 1984.
  • Waldschmidt, K et al: Superlite; a self teaching maze solving robot: Elektronik (Germany), Vol. 31, No 25, December 1982, pp. 72-78. (In German).
  • Walton, R L: Controlling DC motors. Byte, July 1978, pp. 72-80.
  • Wang, C H, Li, C C and Lin, H Y: Start work on a Micromouse -design principles and practice 1992. Chuan-hsin Information Ltd., 10th floor, No 202, Nanking East Road, 5th Section, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (In Chinese but the circuits and programs are in English).
  • Wijffels, T: Stepping motor. Elektor, 11(4), April 1985, pp. 60-65.
  • Witkowski, M: Man-machine clanks into step. Practical computing, March 1980, pp.82-89.
  • Witkowski, M: Robots: sense and sensibility. Practical computing, April 1980, pp.86-124.
  • Witkowski, M: Planning techniques find optimal routes. Practical computing, June 1980, pp. 90-94.
  • Woodfield, D A: Enterprise. Electronic Systems News, Spring 1988, p. 26.
  • Woolvet, G A: Transducers in digital systems, IEE Control Engineering Series 3. Peter Peregrinus ISBN 0-906048-13-3.
  • Young, J F: Robotics. Butterworth, London, 1973. ISBN 07042-0171-2.
  • Zelinsky, A: A mobile robot exploration algorithm: Robotics and Automation, Vol. 8, No 6, December 1992, pp. 707-717.

This list of references was originally compiled by Robin Bradbeer extended by Martin Smith and published in the IEE Technical Information pack in 1993. This version was scanned from the published document, corrected and added to on the 10th of March 2004.
